Friday, May 2, 2014

Top Ten Most Wanted Books of May

Hey everyone! We're moving into a new month already (I can't believe it's May!!) which means new books are coming out which means I more excuses to be broke because I need all the books! So sorry I didn't do one for April, I was so out of it, but I'm going to be picking these back up! To make up for it, I've got a Top Ten list! Yay!

Book: Take Me On by Katie McGarry
Publication Date: May 27, 2014

Goodreads Link:

This shouldn't even need an explanation. You all know how I adore Katie McGarry and her books. Doesn't matter who she writes about or what the story is about, I'm buying it and I'm fangirling over it. I mean come on, it's Katie McGarry!

Book: Renegade by Debra Driza
Publication Date: May 13, 2014

Goodreads Link:

I've already read this thanks to Stacee (thanks again!!) and I freaking loved it. Loved everything about it, but the ending but don't get me started on that, so while I have an ARC I seriously need to get a finished copy. It's just so good.

Book: The Warrior by Victoria Scott
Publication Date: May 6, 2014

Goodreads Link:

This one shouldn't need an explanation either. I mean, it's Dante freaking Walker! Oh how I missed this boy! So sad that this series is coming to an end!

Book: Of Neptune by Anna Banks
Publication Date: May 13, 2014

Goodreads Link:

I adore this series so much, more than I thought I would! It's adorable, it's funny, it's exciting, it's got swoony boys, and it's got freaking gorgeous covers! What more could a book nerd like me ask for?

Book: The Girl with the Windup Heart by Kady Cross
Publication Date: May 27, 2014

Goodreads Link:

This series is amazing, it truly is. I cannot wait for this book but at the same time I don't want it to be over!!

Book: The Art of Lainey by Paula Stokes
Publication Date: May 20, 2014

Goodreads Link:

Ohmigod this book is so good, I need a finished copy! I also need it to hurry and come out so all of you can read it and love it and fall in love with Micah *swoons*, but don't fall too hard because he's taken!

Book: Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Publication Date: May 20, 2014

Goodreads Link:

I'll be honest when I first heard they were doing a Ridley and Link spin off, I was hesitant. I wasn't a huge fan of either character when reading Beautiful Creatures but after getting used to the idea I actually started to get excited! I miss seeing these two fabulous authors write together and I miss the world of the Casters!

Book: Reborn by C.C. Hunter
Publication Date: May 20, 2014

Goodreads Link:

I'll be honest, I used to be crazy obsessed with the Shadow Falls series as it was still going. There was just something about it that I adored, so when I found Hunter was doing a spin-off featuring Della I knew I was jumping into this series head first!

Book: After the End by Amy Plum
Publication Date: May 6, 2014

Goodreads Link:

I can't really explain why I'm so excited for this one. The cover I know immediately caught my attention, and once I read the synopsis I was hooked! I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Book: Raging Star by Moira Young
Publication Date: May 13, 2014

Goodreads Link:

I read the first two like forever ago so I know I'm going to have to reread them before starting this, but from what I recall of Rebel Heart's ending, I need this book ASAP! So sad to see it end, though!

Well there's my little list for ya! There's other releases coming out this month I want, of course, but these made my top ten! See any that are on yours? Any you've already read? 

What's your top ten books of May?


1 comment:

  1. I've heard of like 7/10 books you mentioned. I was excited to see "Take Me On" as your #1 because I haven't read the series yet, and I heard nothing but good things! I ordered it at the library and I'm going to marathon the whole series. Happy reading! :)
